About this podcast

The Paperless Pathways Podcast is a platform dedicated to amplifying the voices and stories of individuals Skilled Through Alternative Routes (STARs). It celebrates the diverse paths to success beyond traditional academic pathways and highlights the talent, resilience, and innovation of STARs in various industries. 

Paperless Pathways seeks to inspire, inform, and empower individuals on their journey to success, while also advocating for a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

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About Opportunity@Work

Opportunity@Work is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is enable at least 1 million working adults in America to translate their learning into earning – generating a $20 billion boost in annual earnings. Opportunity@Work engages with corporate, philanthropic, and workforce partners to directly address the barriers that STARs face, recognize STARs talent and remove bachelor’s degree screens. Learn more at www.opportunityatwork.org.